Tuesday, November 06, 2007

It's here

I was busy making some yummy pumpkin roll when I looked out the window and saw it.

SNOW...it is here, but not for long, we will be near 60 next week=)

It didn't coat the grass or anything, just a few minutes of snow flakes.

Other news:

*Check out Andrea's blog for a fun giveaway from Name Your Tune

*Check out DE Reviews for a chance to win some great make-up from

*****Just in...Ohio expecting b/w 1 and 5 inches of snow tonight. I AM NOT READY*****


Wendy said...

It's really raining here today! Thank goodness it's fairly warm or we would have A LOT of snow!!

Andrea said...

thanks for entering my contest...and hopefully that snow passes you by! :)