Thursday, August 02, 2007


Today Hubby called at 11:30 or say and said he was coming to pick me up. He dropped my brother off and whisked me away to Costco, Red Robin, the bank, and do so some work (to collect addresses of slate roof so we can send some more fliers to get some more jobs!)

It was a nice afternoon away from the kids and the house.

What did you do today?


Gina said...

Well I wasn't whisked away by my prince charming! Ah, that sounds as lovely as can be.

Crystal said...

OK, well today I woke up LOL. No really, I'm actually heading out to go to the health dept. and get a physical and TB test for my new job, go shopping for a new bra (TMI?) and then come home and get ready to hang out with YOU guys tonight! It'll be fun!