Thursday, September 20, 2007

What is the best deal on phones?

There is a wonderful site that compares mobile phone deals.
They compare contracts and prices of phones through different companies.

You can find the best deals on hip new phones like:

Nokia N95 deals

and also

Samsung g600 deals

Cell phone companies now a days offer some really great packages, but you do have to do your research, the plans vary so much from store to store. Just when you think you have the best deal you talk to your friend and realize your plan stinks.

I am in the market for a new phone. I can barely hear out of my phone anymore.
I only have 2 more months before my contract is up and I want to search for a no contract plan, if there is such a thing=) I want to get a great phone with an MP3 player and some how to keep track of my plans. MY husbands phone is so handy. Phones can do some really handy stuff.
If you haven't shopped for phones lately youshould check out some of the great new ones that are out!

~sponsored post~

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