Monday, March 10, 2008


I just got back form taking M girl to school. And to say I am annoyed is an understatement. I didn't expect school to be canceled the roads aren't too bad. The main streets anyway. BUT since we live in this place we know all about snow and how it comes EVERY year and we just have to get on with life. BUT when you can barely get into the school driveway and the school doesn't make any effort to shovel for the kids, that is when it gets ridiculous. Now my daughter doesn't go to a public school, she goes to a chartered school, and supposedly they want to be looked at a more prestigious than a public school. Then why don't you make the outside look like it too???? Buy a snowblower (tax write off) and snow blow the dam entrances. We have two entrances and the whole back was closed, so the whole school had to go through the smallest entrance in an already SMALL, overcrowded shared parking lot with a grocery store.

If I wasn't so lazy and not such a wimp I would have walked into that school and expressed my feelings, but since I am lazy and a wimp, I drove my cute little 4 wheel drive Jeep home, and here I am typing away!

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1 comment:

Wendy said...

That's crazy! They should have a caretaker or a landscaping company come in and take care of that stuff!