Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Me and Ethan went on a little trip to see daddy today.

Josh is working on the big church job now and had to rent a lift to get to the roof,

so we thought Ethan would enjoy a little ride.

They went as high as it would go
(yep, I was scared, nope Ethan wasn't!)


Wendy said...

yikes! I was freaking out just looking at the pictures!! Ethan must have been in heaven:)

Hope all is well....been quiet in your neck of the blogosphere! Busy watching Cleveland kick Boston's butt?!?!?

FlipFlop Mom said...

Oh WOW!!!!! and that whole big building is a CHURCH?????? What a lucky little guy!!!

Andrea said...

Lucky!! I would looooove to do that! I'm love being in high places...wierd, I know...but I do! :)

Bek said...

oh, how fun!!!!!!!!!! i bet ethan loved it! i know israel would!

VICTORIA said...

You are so brave, I could not let my boy do that!