Last night Josh and I went to a Young Marrieds ( group from church) cookout at our friends house. It was a good time. Food, friends, volleyball...and a night away from the kids, even though I held everyone else's babies! Anyway. My aunt watched the kids and when we picked them up at 10:30 they were still wide awake. Ethan didn't even fall asleep on the way home. So I thought with a bedtime of 11 pm, I'd get to sleep until at least 8. Ethan had other plans. My aunt let Ethan have this dump truck full of sand toys and he was so excited to play with them. At 7:15 this morning he comes into my room to tell me he wants to go play in the sand box. I begged him to watch TV but he wouldn't have anything to do with it. I watch through the window as he played contently with his new toys, as I read some Proverbs. I then decided since Merci wasn't up yet, that I would join him. I had a nice time. We "cleaned" the sand. Since the lid is never put back on, there were leaves and stuff so we strained it with the strainer and then I got the sand wet so he could build sand castles. He was so happy for like an hour and a half!! Now he is upstairs whining for juice, even though he just finished his 3rd large cup! (Maybe this is why potty training is so hard!...I actually usually don't let him have so much)!
Ok enough of my blabbering.
Enjoy your weekend!!!!
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
All of us ladies love to be pampered every once in awhile. Many of us buy lotions, scrubs, bath salts and a variety of other health and beauty items so we can add a little pampering to our everyday lives. dead sea salt is a wonderful product made from materials from the Dead Sea. These products contain over 26 minerals that are essential to skin health. Why not try a new product that promises to be great for your skin!
I love trying new products because you never know until you try something whether or not it works for you. I recently received a product sample in the mail that I had requested and was annoyed by the elaborate packaging. I wondered why they would spend so much money on sending their product to people who probably wouldn't buy that product anyway ( I am not the only one who requests product knowing, I will probably not use them after the free sample!) But to my surprise. I loved the product and will most likely buy the product!
I love trying new products because you never know until you try something whether or not it works for you. I recently received a product sample in the mail that I had requested and was annoyed by the elaborate packaging. I wondered why they would spend so much money on sending their product to people who probably wouldn't buy that product anyway ( I am not the only one who requests product knowing, I will probably not use them after the free sample!) But to my surprise. I loved the product and will most likely buy the product!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Not much to say
Haven't had much to post about lately. Just staying busy with paid posts. My camera broke so I can't take pictures to post. I have been busy and stressed out with having both kiddos around ALL DAY. Vacation is soon, hopefully getting away from the house will help. Going to Moss's for a fun cookout night tomorrow, looking forward to that!
Hope to have something exciting to talk about soon!
Hope to have something exciting to talk about soon!
more software
Does your business need to consolidate any financial aspects? Prophix offers a great financial consolidation software
Prophix offers some great flexibility and Key benefits to your organization. I hope maybe one day our business becomes so big we will have to do this!
Check out their website and see if this is something your organization could use. You never know until you check them out!
Prophix offers some great flexibility and Key benefits to your organization. I hope maybe one day our business becomes so big we will have to do this!
Check out their website and see if this is something your organization could use. You never know until you check them out!
If you are interested in intranet software you are in luck. You are entitled to a Free 30 day trial, all you need to do is contact them (the link that says intranet software) to get it set up.
They offer In-Depth Personalization - Down to the end-user level, One-Point Secured Access - For all of the enterprise's on-line services, and Thoughtful understanding - Epazz works with you from start to finish. Check them out to see the many more wonderful things their software offers.
They offer In-Depth Personalization - Down to the end-user level, One-Point Secured Access - For all of the enterprise's on-line services, and Thoughtful understanding - Epazz works with you from start to finish. Check them out to see the many more wonderful things their software offers.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
What is it with Jeans?
I love jeans. I wear them ALL of the time. Nothing else seems to feel as good. I remember hating jeans when I was younger, I refused to wear them, LOL. My kids live in jeans too. The first article of clothing I bought Ethan was a pair of jeans! Some people like name brand jeans like true religion jeans, but I go for affordability. I don't know though, maybe the really expensive ones are more comfortable or last longer, I am not sure, because I have never owned a pair! Maybe one day I will have to try them out.
Bed and Breakfast
Josh and I are determined to go away without the kids sometime this Summer, or Fall. WE have been looking at many different options hotels, camping and even
Bed & Breakfast options. I don't know how I feel about bead and breakfast's though. I feel intimidated by them I guess. Not sure why?
We still need to talk about it some more, but hope to have plans soon. We may have the option of going to Orlando for VERY cheap, but we are still looking into it, it might be scam...we will see.
If you have ever been to a Bed and Breakfast, let me know how you liked it!
Bed & Breakfast options. I don't know how I feel about bead and breakfast's though. I feel intimidated by them I guess. Not sure why?
We still need to talk about it some more, but hope to have plans soon. We may have the option of going to Orlando for VERY cheap, but we are still looking into it, it might be scam...we will see.
If you have ever been to a Bed and Breakfast, let me know how you liked it!
Monday, June 25, 2007
4 years (LONG POST)
Happy four years or life Josh!
Yes my husband is more than 4 years old, but it has been four wonderful years since God saved his life.
On June 25th, 2003 Josh and I went roller blading at a nearby park. The night before we had been shopping at Dick's and found a great deal on some K2 roller blades for him, I already owned some.
We made some last minute calls and found that my brother, although it was his birthday (Happy 23rd Birthday Jon!) was willing to babysit Merci so we could go roller blading on a beautiful evening.
We were having fun and laughing about the tight butt I would have if I kept roller blading all Summer, LOL. We the came to this big hill that lead down to Lake Erie. It was paved and people biked and walked it all of the time. Josh kinda looked at me like, should I. I don't quite remember too much but I remember him looking back at me like, Here I go. And the not so funny thing is I was thinking about how fun it looked and almost went too. And then I saw him collide with another person and fall. I kept looking down, thinking Ok get up already and then I heard someone yelling call 911 (our emergency #). I panicked and starting freaking out, I whipped my roller blades off and threw them, I ran down he hill as fast as I could possibly run. When I got down there, I asked someone what he looked like, before going near him. She told me there was blood all over, coming from his head. I was balling and in hysterics, yelling about how that was my husband and who knows what else. I went to him and held his head and was talking to him in his ear, which is when I realized he was foaming at the mouth and unconscious. I was relaying info to the wonderful person who was on the phone with 911. I then realized that we had no health insurance and that I had a little girl at home, and started panicking even more and running around, as a nice lady consoled me. Some comic relief...I remember going over to a group of people and telling them that this is what happens if their kids don't wear helmets... I was in hysterics and not thinking clearly because I never would have done this normally. All I know is that there was a group of people walking up the hill and supposedly didn't see Josh coming at them until it was too late. Josh ran into that person (as far as I know nothing happened to that person). It seemed like forever until the paramedics arrived, we were in the middle of the hill so they had to clear people from the hill and the grassy part of the park at the top of the hill to get to us. They took care of him and were questioning people around and trying to calm me down (there were probably 5-6 different vehicles there on scene).
So anyway, we get to the hospital and they tell me to wait in a room, and a social worker will be there any minute...she never came and I was loosing it. I had no idea what was wrong with my husband, if he was living or what. I just started calling number that came to my of which was a lady I babysat for..why I called her I had no idea, but she called the church for me, and that night so may church friends came to the hospital to be with me. Ang and Ben stayed the night in the waiting room with me, as we still had no idea what was going on. He was in ICU and really late at night so they wouldn't let me in. What memories are flooding back to me as I read this.
To make a long story kind of short, Josh ended up with 4 separate skull fractures and the only reason he lived is because his ear drum burst (the blood was coming out of his ear) to let the bleeding head drain. The skull fractures were pretty bad, and everyone kept telling us how amazing it was that he was alive and for the most part recovering perfectly.
Josh was in ICU intubated for about 4 days, when they took the intubation tube out is was still a few more days before he was coherent. Well, enough to insist that the TV was the telephone!!
My favorite memory is the day after they took the intubation out, a friend Patrick came by to see him, Josh had barely spoken 5 words since the removal (it is very painful, his trachea was very swollen), and Pat asked him what's my name took him about 2 minutes but he muttered "num nuts" an inside joke b/w them. From that point on I knew he would be ok!
Josh had to spend another 3 week in brain rehab. They worked with him to get his brain functioning again and other functions, motor skill, physical therapy etc. He did great from the start, but there was a lot of memory gone and his brain wasn't functioning at the normal speed. It was still very hard for him to even hurt..obviously. He hated every minute of being there. I only missed seeing him 1 day of his month long stay.
To this day I don't know how we paid our bills. I worked 1-2 days a week at Babies R Us, and that sure didn't cover it. God was so faithful in our time of need.
All of our hospital bill were paid by the County, we never saw one!
Josh was supposed to have been in occupational and physical therapy for 1 year following his accident, after his 1st appointment of each they said he didn't need to be there.
Today Josh has very minimal damage. He cannot smell... we aren't sure how this happened...and he lost sight in the bottom right quadrant of each eye (if you divide the eye in fourths). HE still feel his thinking patterns are effected, but he functions normally daily!
I am so thankful to God and all who helped us in our time of need.
Isn't God awesome??
Yes my husband is more than 4 years old, but it has been four wonderful years since God saved his life.
On June 25th, 2003 Josh and I went roller blading at a nearby park. The night before we had been shopping at Dick's and found a great deal on some K2 roller blades for him, I already owned some.
We made some last minute calls and found that my brother, although it was his birthday (Happy 23rd Birthday Jon!) was willing to babysit Merci so we could go roller blading on a beautiful evening.
We were having fun and laughing about the tight butt I would have if I kept roller blading all Summer, LOL. We the came to this big hill that lead down to Lake Erie. It was paved and people biked and walked it all of the time. Josh kinda looked at me like, should I. I don't quite remember too much but I remember him looking back at me like, Here I go. And the not so funny thing is I was thinking about how fun it looked and almost went too. And then I saw him collide with another person and fall. I kept looking down, thinking Ok get up already and then I heard someone yelling call 911 (our emergency #). I panicked and starting freaking out, I whipped my roller blades off and threw them, I ran down he hill as fast as I could possibly run. When I got down there, I asked someone what he looked like, before going near him. She told me there was blood all over, coming from his head. I was balling and in hysterics, yelling about how that was my husband and who knows what else. I went to him and held his head and was talking to him in his ear, which is when I realized he was foaming at the mouth and unconscious. I was relaying info to the wonderful person who was on the phone with 911. I then realized that we had no health insurance and that I had a little girl at home, and started panicking even more and running around, as a nice lady consoled me. Some comic relief...I remember going over to a group of people and telling them that this is what happens if their kids don't wear helmets... I was in hysterics and not thinking clearly because I never would have done this normally. All I know is that there was a group of people walking up the hill and supposedly didn't see Josh coming at them until it was too late. Josh ran into that person (as far as I know nothing happened to that person). It seemed like forever until the paramedics arrived, we were in the middle of the hill so they had to clear people from the hill and the grassy part of the park at the top of the hill to get to us. They took care of him and were questioning people around and trying to calm me down (there were probably 5-6 different vehicles there on scene).
So anyway, we get to the hospital and they tell me to wait in a room, and a social worker will be there any minute...she never came and I was loosing it. I had no idea what was wrong with my husband, if he was living or what. I just started calling number that came to my of which was a lady I babysat for..why I called her I had no idea, but she called the church for me, and that night so may church friends came to the hospital to be with me. Ang and Ben stayed the night in the waiting room with me, as we still had no idea what was going on. He was in ICU and really late at night so they wouldn't let me in. What memories are flooding back to me as I read this.
To make a long story kind of short, Josh ended up with 4 separate skull fractures and the only reason he lived is because his ear drum burst (the blood was coming out of his ear) to let the bleeding head drain. The skull fractures were pretty bad, and everyone kept telling us how amazing it was that he was alive and for the most part recovering perfectly.
Josh was in ICU intubated for about 4 days, when they took the intubation tube out is was still a few more days before he was coherent. Well, enough to insist that the TV was the telephone!!
My favorite memory is the day after they took the intubation out, a friend Patrick came by to see him, Josh had barely spoken 5 words since the removal (it is very painful, his trachea was very swollen), and Pat asked him what's my name took him about 2 minutes but he muttered "num nuts" an inside joke b/w them. From that point on I knew he would be ok!
Josh had to spend another 3 week in brain rehab. They worked with him to get his brain functioning again and other functions, motor skill, physical therapy etc. He did great from the start, but there was a lot of memory gone and his brain wasn't functioning at the normal speed. It was still very hard for him to even hurt..obviously. He hated every minute of being there. I only missed seeing him 1 day of his month long stay.
To this day I don't know how we paid our bills. I worked 1-2 days a week at Babies R Us, and that sure didn't cover it. God was so faithful in our time of need.
All of our hospital bill were paid by the County, we never saw one!
Josh was supposed to have been in occupational and physical therapy for 1 year following his accident, after his 1st appointment of each they said he didn't need to be there.
Today Josh has very minimal damage. He cannot smell... we aren't sure how this happened...and he lost sight in the bottom right quadrant of each eye (if you divide the eye in fourths). HE still feel his thinking patterns are effected, but he functions normally daily!
I am so thankful to God and all who helped us in our time of need.
Isn't God awesome??
Really don't like them
One thing that really annoys me is the "Little Tykes" mailboxes everyone seems to have. Do you know what I mean? Those green, black or tan plastic ones. Well, I guess only people who have to have them on the tree lawns have these kind. We use the old milk box attached to the house as our mailbox. It seems like everyone has to have every part of their house trendy and nice, so why not do the same with Mailboxes. You can get some really neat looking ones. I like to have different things, so I refuse to get one of those stupid plastic ones, I will NOT jump on that band wagon!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Date NIght??
Last night, I went to help my friend set up a wedding, and was home by 9. Josh and I talked about playing a game or something when I got home, but we ended up study the Ohio Boaters Education material. Why you ask?? Because we got up enough courage to ask my great uncle if we could borrow his jet ski for our vacation, and he said YES!! WOOHOO. Gonna be so much fun.
See, our family goes to Michigan to a cabin on a lake. Since my grandpa died we haven't had a motor boat of any kind, which sucks on a big lake. We usually sit on our little beach and watch everyone else have fun. So this year we get to join in the chaotic whirl of boats and jet ski's!
To get a Ohio boater's education card you have to read over a whole bunch of material you will never need. There isn't just a section or test for jet skiers, nope, we have to learn everything about every boat and every situation. Such a waste of time. The test is 75 questions, and about 30 of them we will need for the lake we are on. You have to pay $15 for the test (even if you fail) which we did the first time=( So a $15 dollar certification turned into a $30 one, due to stupid misleading questions and us clicking the wrong answer on a few. The test took over an hour each time, and we still have to take another one for me. We are doing this as a team effort you see! It usually works out good, I know what he doesn't and he knows what I don't!!! And we also have to get my 2 brothers to pass this test!
Oh well, a little work for a lot of fun!
So that was our date night, sitting at our computer in the basement sipping on some Mike's Hard Cranberry Lemonade (only 1 each...don't worry!)
What did you do?
See, our family goes to Michigan to a cabin on a lake. Since my grandpa died we haven't had a motor boat of any kind, which sucks on a big lake. We usually sit on our little beach and watch everyone else have fun. So this year we get to join in the chaotic whirl of boats and jet ski's!
To get a Ohio boater's education card you have to read over a whole bunch of material you will never need. There isn't just a section or test for jet skiers, nope, we have to learn everything about every boat and every situation. Such a waste of time. The test is 75 questions, and about 30 of them we will need for the lake we are on. You have to pay $15 for the test (even if you fail) which we did the first time=( So a $15 dollar certification turned into a $30 one, due to stupid misleading questions and us clicking the wrong answer on a few. The test took over an hour each time, and we still have to take another one for me. We are doing this as a team effort you see! It usually works out good, I know what he doesn't and he knows what I don't!!! And we also have to get my 2 brothers to pass this test!
Oh well, a little work for a lot of fun!
So that was our date night, sitting at our computer in the basement sipping on some Mike's Hard Cranberry Lemonade (only 1 each...don't worry!)
What did you do?
Thursday, June 21, 2007
So Excited!
This is the picture I chose:

I just thought it would be a neat picture to have on the wall.
Thanks Sweet Dreams Photography for the beautiful picture.
I have the privelge to take part in an awesome opportunity. I was one of 100 able to participate in a really rewarding opportunity from Payu2Blog and Canvas on Demand.
I will be receiving a 16x20 canvas photo enlargement of my favorite photo. I am not sure how I will decide on a picture but, I am sure I will manage!
I LOVE pictures, and always have been a picture taking kinda girl. I can't wait to tell you how wonderful the picture turns out.
I have looked the website out and it looks reputable. They have a 100% money back guarantee, they have been featured in magazines, TV and newspaper, as the premier photo enlargement on canvas specialist. They’ve committed to make 1000 canvases to raise money for Campheartland, as featured on Extreme Makeover – Home Edition.
I am very excited to receive my canvas and let you know what I think! I will let you know which picture I choose also!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Nothing has been going on. Just the normal daily stuff. Having issues with different things and know that God sees and will take care of them. E had an eye dr apt today and he needs to wear a patch or eye drops (to dilate the good eye so he uses the bad one...means going outside won't be fun for him) daily, yuck. His eye isn't getting worse, but isn't getting better.
Very upset by the missing pregnant lady here in Ohio. I hate that people have to deal with these things. I cry out to God on her and her family's behalf, not to mention the innocent little boy who witnessed this. Why O Lord, why?? I have a friend who questions religion and God because of these things, I don't blame her. It is hard to understand why the enemy has powers just as God.
Today is a beautiful day, hope Ethan's eyes feel better so we can go outside later (he had to get his eyes dilated so the sun has been bugging them). Maybe we can go swim at my parents house. And check up on my bro's since my parent's are out of town. Wish I was on vacation, need a break from life..ya know!
Very upset by the missing pregnant lady here in Ohio. I hate that people have to deal with these things. I cry out to God on her and her family's behalf, not to mention the innocent little boy who witnessed this. Why O Lord, why?? I have a friend who questions religion and God because of these things, I don't blame her. It is hard to understand why the enemy has powers just as God.
Today is a beautiful day, hope Ethan's eyes feel better so we can go outside later (he had to get his eyes dilated so the sun has been bugging them). Maybe we can go swim at my parents house. And check up on my bro's since my parent's are out of town. Wish I was on vacation, need a break from life..ya know!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Found pictures
When we use my husbands camera to take pictures, I always forget about them. His camera pictures go to a different folder than mine, and I can never find it. I found it today!! Here are some pictures I never got to post!

This picture, I had never seen before, I am not even sure where it is. I am assuming it was at Merci's choir concert. Josh had Ethan outside for a little bit. I would NEVER have allowed my son to be put in a tree..LOL. I know Mom's are no fun huh!

This is my brother's graduating class!

Starr,( my brothers girlfriend), my brother Josh, my Mom, my Dad, me, my Aunt Marsha, and my Grandma! My Josh is taking the picture!

This picture is from Mother's Day, we went to the park for a picnic. I told Josh I wanted some good pictures of me and the kids. This is the best I got! It is cute!
This picture, I had never seen before, I am not even sure where it is. I am assuming it was at Merci's choir concert. Josh had Ethan outside for a little bit. I would NEVER have allowed my son to be put in a tree..LOL. I know Mom's are no fun huh!
This is my brother's graduating class!
Starr,( my brothers girlfriend), my brother Josh, my Mom, my Dad, me, my Aunt Marsha, and my Grandma! My Josh is taking the picture!
This picture is from Mother's Day, we went to the park for a picnic. I told Josh I wanted some good pictures of me and the kids. This is the best I got! It is cute!
Also..don't miss the post down below of our Father's Day weekend. I have done lots of posts today..hey you gotta take payperpost opp's when they are available, ya know! ($29 today baby!!!)
Great Weekend
We had such a fun weekend!
We went camping as a family, without anyone else, this is a first for us! We usually go with a large group of friends. We didn't get to the campground until about 9 PM Friday night. So after unpacking setting up our tent and making smores we headed to bed! Tried at least, we had young couples camping behind and next to us, they stayed up late partying and fighting (long story) and then there was the guy on the other side of us, he was a grown man, yet got kicked out of the campground for trying to cut down a tree (he had a huge ax and thought he would cut down a tree) he also ran an extension cord from his non electrical site all the way to the electrical sites (all to save $5). So as he was packing up he turned his headlights on to aid in the taking down of his tent, but the headlights were shining directly into our tent (all this at 12 am).
I think I managed 4 hours of sleep that night=(
We woke up the next morning made some breakfast and wandered around the campground (it was very small so there wasn't much to see) and we decided to head to the beach! East Harbor State Park.
We went camping as a family, without anyone else, this is a first for us! We usually go with a large group of friends. We didn't get to the campground until about 9 PM Friday night. So after unpacking setting up our tent and making smores we headed to bed! Tried at least, we had young couples camping behind and next to us, they stayed up late partying and fighting (long story) and then there was the guy on the other side of us, he was a grown man, yet got kicked out of the campground for trying to cut down a tree (he had a huge ax and thought he would cut down a tree) he also ran an extension cord from his non electrical site all the way to the electrical sites (all to save $5). So as he was packing up he turned his headlights on to aid in the taking down of his tent, but the headlights were shining directly into our tent (all this at 12 am).
I think I managed 4 hours of sleep that night=(
We woke up the next morning made some breakfast and wandered around the campground (it was very small so there wasn't much to see) and we decided to head to the beach! East Harbor State Park.
On the way, we found an Alpaca farm, aren't they cute??
We had lots of fun at the beach. It wasn't too hot and the water wasn't too cold! I would love to post pictures but my camera broke after we left the beach. It just won't turn on anymore (even with fully charged batteries)=( So I will have to get the pictures printed off the memory card and scan them, which means I will probably never post them, scanning is too much work, it isn't even plugged in anymore.
My kids have at least 20 mosquito or other insect bites each.
Ethan looks like he has chicken pox on his face, poor guy. And yes I covered them in bug spray many times throughout the day.
Sunday we checked out of the campground and headed to Put in Bay! We have never been there, but plan on going for a getaway (just Josh and I) this summer, so we went over to check things out!
I kept telling Josh it was like a dream, you see people drive golf carts all over. So you are looking down the street and all you see in millions of golf carts putzing around! It was a fun day.
The kids enjoyed the ferry boat road to get to the island, as wll as the ice cream before lunch, and daddy's crazy off- roading adventures with the golf cart!
We also "mined" for gemstone or arrowheads in our case.
(You buy a bag of sand stuff that had gemstones or arrowheads and the kids get to sift for was cute!!)
And we can't forget how Ethan threw his glasses off the back of the golf cart, and promptly got ran over by the golf cart behind us! I was still able to put them back together and there is minimal damage. Ethan has this habit of taking his glasses off and just throwing them when he is tired, you should have seen his face when I got back to the cart with his glasses, he KNEW he was in trouble. I felt so bad, I didn't really yell at him, just firmly told him "never do that again." He understood!
Pet Insurance
We don't have any pet's at the moment, but have in the past. And let me tell you , THEY ARE EXPENSIVE! Our cat got into a fight and his wound get infected really bad, they wanted me to get this drainage thing put in, only for $1000. That was a few days before Ethan was born...I had my medical bills to worry about, not the cats. We decided to try meds and thankfully they worked.
2 of my aunts have 5+ dogs, with the statistics of 1 in every 3 pets will need emergency vet treatment yearly, they are most likely to rack up some bills at the vets! They need to get pet insurance.
Pet medical procedures are just as expensive as medical procedures for humans.
Pet insurance allows you to proceed with the best course of action recommended by your veterinarian, not what you can afford. You are able worry less about the finances, and concentrate doing the right thing for your sick pet.

~This is a sponsored post~
2 of my aunts have 5+ dogs, with the statistics of 1 in every 3 pets will need emergency vet treatment yearly, they are most likely to rack up some bills at the vets! They need to get pet insurance.
Pet medical procedures are just as expensive as medical procedures for humans.
Pet insurance allows you to proceed with the best course of action recommended by your veterinarian, not what you can afford. You are able worry less about the finances, and concentrate doing the right thing for your sick pet.
~This is a sponsored post~
When we first got married my husband worked for a company that made truck and van rack. He was a fabricator and welder. He really enjoys creating stuff, so for him to be able to customize racks to fit certain needs and vehicles was fun for him. It didn't pay real well though, so he moved on to bigger and better things. When he got his truck he was always at his old shop looking for new accessories for his truck. We just found out they went out of business. Too bad!
Too good for us...LOL!
Too good for us...LOL!
We have a rule in our house, that no change can be spent! We keep all of our loose change for our kids. I tend to break the rule, because I hate using extra bills if I can use the change in my purse.
I also hate sorting and rolling the coins. I hate the feeling of all those germs on the coins, I just feel so dirty. We need a nice coin sorter. We have had some in the past but they were all junk. If we could just throw a handfull of money in a sorter and be done, that would be great!! And I would be less likely to grab a few quarter to go to the corner to get ice cream for the kids=)
I also hate sorting and rolling the coins. I hate the feeling of all those germs on the coins, I just feel so dirty. We need a nice coin sorter. We have had some in the past but they were all junk. If we could just throw a handfull of money in a sorter and be done, that would be great!! And I would be less likely to grab a few quarter to go to the corner to get ice cream for the kids=)
Friday, June 15, 2007
My bathroom
As you know, I was forced to repaint my bathroom this week. I am not done yet, I took a break, because I was stressing myself out! I painted the bathroom a deeper shade of purple, which I was planning on doing sometime in the future anyway. The original color was too light and didn't match the shower curtain like I wanted. I decided I wanted the trim a tan color, and I decided to use the color we used for our ceiling, since I had a lot left over. It looked yucky! It was flat paint, and it just wasn't the right shade. Instead of painting a small section to see if I liked it I just did everything...silly. So the next day (after Josh told me how ugly it was also!) I redid it all in the original cream color it was...what a waste of time! All this repainting has made me just want to redo everything, the floor, the tub surround the toilet, the bathroom vanities. Too bad we are renting and it would be a waste of our $ to do all of this. I cannot wait to have my own home=)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Right now I know so many people try to sell their home.
The real estate market is a bad one for sellers. Good thing we need to buy a home in the near future, I am sure we will be able to get a great deal!
My poor grandma has tried selling her home two different times now.
She has a huge old home in a decent suburb, yet her home isn't selling.
If we could afford it we would buy it, but it is too expensive for our first home=(
Hopefully within the next year we will be able to buy.
God's got the perfect home for us and he is just preparing it, I just can't wait!
The real estate market is a bad one for sellers. Good thing we need to buy a home in the near future, I am sure we will be able to get a great deal!
My poor grandma has tried selling her home two different times now.
She has a huge old home in a decent suburb, yet her home isn't selling.
If we could afford it we would buy it, but it is too expensive for our first home=(
Hopefully within the next year we will be able to buy.
God's got the perfect home for us and he is just preparing it, I just can't wait!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Can U see it?
I have a counter on this blog. When I visit my site I cannot, see it.
I used to be able to.
Do you see it??
Do you know how to fix it??
I used to be able to.
Do you see it??
Do you know how to fix it??
A few weeks ago we had a girls poker night! It was so fun. There were only 4 of us, be we just ate and talked and played some poker. Kelly and Jason had some nice clay poker chips and a little card table. The card table served it's purpose for us 4 but I think they should invest in some poker tables. They are all professional and even have tops you can hide the poker top with! Check them out! They are really neat!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Unexpected Project
My bathroom has been in need of a good scrubbing lately. I finally decided to do it today..and ran into some problems. See our bathroom is very small, and no matter what we do we have mildew problems. We have an exhaust fan, we leave the window open (even in the winter) and I leave the door open when I shower. Granted, I probably don't scrub the walls enough, but who does???
I found this Tilex stuff that promised to kill mildew at it's roots. BUT I did not read carefully. Because it says do not use on painted surfaces unless you plan on repainting ( I did, but not anytime too soon!) See for yourself, why you should follow directions!

The mildew is gone though=)
Hopefully for awhile!
Off to pick Merci up from Summer school ( which she loves, by the way!) and then to Home Depot we go.
Oh and I decided to pull all the caulking out and redo that, because there was mildew on that and it just grosses me out every time I look at it!
Sorry kids, we aren't playing outside much today=(
I found this Tilex stuff that promised to kill mildew at it's roots. BUT I did not read carefully. Because it says do not use on painted surfaces unless you plan on repainting ( I did, but not anytime too soon!) See for yourself, why you should follow directions!
The mildew is gone though=)
Hopefully for awhile!
Off to pick Merci up from Summer school ( which she loves, by the way!) and then to Home Depot we go.
Oh and I decided to pull all the caulking out and redo that, because there was mildew on that and it just grosses me out every time I look at it!
Sorry kids, we aren't playing outside much today=(
Friday, June 08, 2007
Our list
We decided we really needed to do more FAMILY stuff. We decided to make a list of 25 Things to do this summer, as a FAMILY.
25 Things to do this Summer:
1. Go to Geauga Lake
2. Visit 4 water fountains (you know, the ones they have at parks the kids can play in!)
3. Go camping w/o anyone else
4. Scavenger Hunt
5. Go on a Hike
6. Visit Lake Isaac
7. Visit Whips Ledges
8. Visit 3 different ice cream shops
9. Visit 5 different parks
10. Go swimming at Halloren Park
11. Go to a Cleveland Indians game...GO INDIANS.
12. Learn to play Jacks
13. Paint pictures together
14. Picnic and fly a kite
15. Watch a Sunset
16. Bike Rides (mommy needs a bike first, we already bought a trailer for E)
17. Family Baking/Cooking day
18. Paint Merci's room
19. Date w/Grandma P
20. Date w/Grandam D
21. Plant flowers from seeds and watch them grow!
22. Star Gaze
23. Play in the rain
24. Catch lightning bugs
25. Go to the Zoo (first we need to renew our membership!)
You can check back, will will star the activities as we do them... I am sure we will have stories and pictures to go along with them too!
25 Things to do this Summer:
1. Go to Geauga Lake
2. Visit 4 water fountains (you know, the ones they have at parks the kids can play in!)
3. Go camping w/o anyone else
4. Scavenger Hunt
5. Go on a Hike
6. Visit Lake Isaac
7. Visit Whips Ledges
8. Visit 3 different ice cream shops
9. Visit 5 different parks
10. Go swimming at Halloren Park
11. Go to a Cleveland Indians game...GO INDIANS.
12. Learn to play Jacks
13. Paint pictures together
14. Picnic and fly a kite
15. Watch a Sunset
16. Bike Rides (mommy needs a bike first, we already bought a trailer for E)
17. Family Baking/Cooking day
18. Paint Merci's room
19. Date w/Grandma P
20. Date w/Grandam D
21. Plant flowers from seeds and watch them grow!
22. Star Gaze
23. Play in the rain
24. Catch lightning bugs
25. Go to the Zoo (first we need to renew our membership!)
You can check back, will will star the activities as we do them... I am sure we will have stories and pictures to go along with them too!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
This morning we were outside. The kids were playing and I was weeding (yuck!). Merci came running over to me and said, "Mommy Ethan pulled his thing out and stated squirting all over your new grass (we had to plant grass after there was a huge dead patch after winter)." At first I wasn't sure what she was talking about..and then I realized! I was kind of relieved he didn't pee his pants AGAIN. I didn't really do anything, but I really hope he doesn't make this a habit.
Scary thing is, he learned this on his own, he has never seen anyone pee in the grass before, except dogs! Boys!!!
Don't miss my last post with before 1st grade pictures and after 1t grade pictures and Shrek booty!
Scary thing is, he learned this on his own, he has never seen anyone pee in the grass before, except dogs! Boys!!!
Don't miss my last post with before 1st grade pictures and after 1t grade pictures and Shrek booty!
Pictures Promised!
One day after Merci's last day of First grade
Ethan's new under pants...we call it his Shrek Booty! (Or donkey booty depending on which pair her has on!)
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
She is done=(
Merci is officially done with the 1st grade today. I am so proud of her, yet I am so sad to think of my baby as a 2nd grader. She will be 7 on July 9th, which is NOT far away.
She will be going to Summer school starting on Monday, so I still get a half a day break from 2 kids, for a few more weeks.
Am I a bad mom for making my daughter go to FREE Summer school for 3 weeks??
When Merci started school this year, she was having some behavior problems. After a few months we decided to do some kind of reinforcement at home. The teacher did a star chart, and if they were god all day they got a star on their sheet, if not they got a sad face, or if they were kinda good they got a half star. We told Merci if she got a star she would get 1 quarter for that day, if she got a sad face she would get 2 quarters taken out of her jar and for a 1/2 star she would get nothing. If she got a whole week of stars she got to pick a fun activity for the weekend out of the cup.
Today we counted the money and we will take her shopping soon, but she had $25!!! And I probably forgot to give her quarters some days, so we will giver her $30 to go shopping with! That is a lot for a 6, almost 7 year old girl!
I took a picture of Merci on her first day of school this year, I forgot to take one today, but I will tomorrow, just to compare the growth! I will post as soon as I track down the one from the first day of school!
Thanks for reading my ramblings about my daughter....I needed to make a post so you didn't see the payperpost when you come to my blog....and don't be mad I don't like Stephen King but that post was worth $18...not the measly $5 most of them are!
She will be going to Summer school starting on Monday, so I still get a half a day break from 2 kids, for a few more weeks.
Am I a bad mom for making my daughter go to FREE Summer school for 3 weeks??
When Merci started school this year, she was having some behavior problems. After a few months we decided to do some kind of reinforcement at home. The teacher did a star chart, and if they were god all day they got a star on their sheet, if not they got a sad face, or if they were kinda good they got a half star. We told Merci if she got a star she would get 1 quarter for that day, if she got a sad face she would get 2 quarters taken out of her jar and for a 1/2 star she would get nothing. If she got a whole week of stars she got to pick a fun activity for the weekend out of the cup.
Today we counted the money and we will take her shopping soon, but she had $25!!! And I probably forgot to give her quarters some days, so we will giver her $30 to go shopping with! That is a lot for a 6, almost 7 year old girl!
I took a picture of Merci on her first day of school this year, I forgot to take one today, but I will tomorrow, just to compare the growth! I will post as soon as I track down the one from the first day of school!
Thanks for reading my ramblings about my daughter....I needed to make a post so you didn't see the payperpost when you come to my blog....and don't be mad I don't like Stephen King but that post was worth $18...not the measly $5 most of them are!
Monday, June 04, 2007
A real post!
Ok...enough of the paid posts, this is a real one! I just thought I would get them all over with in one day. You might see a few more this week, but not many!
Last night I got to help my friend Amy celebrate her birthday. I had planned a nice little get together for her, and at the last minute a few people couldn't make it. So 3 of us wen out to dinner and back to Amy's house for some DQ cake!! Yum, Yum. It was nice to connect with Amy and meet a new person!
Tonight my youngest brother graduates!! I am excited, but I might cry=( It is hard to realized you are growing up and those around you are too. Next thing I know my brothers will be getting married. Yikes. I am so not ready for that. Anyway...I am excited to go sit through a long baring ceremony just for him. It will bring back many memories too. My hubby gets to go with me (usually they only give 4 tickets per family, this year they got 6!) My hubby was with my parents the night of my graduation. I am so blessed I got to share my most memorable times with him!
As I was typing this I heard Ethan upstairs, when he should have been in bed. i went up there and he had changed his clothes (his shirt was upside down on him..not sure how he accomplished this!) He said "Me change my shirt toothpaste all over it." Crap! I seriously thought he was sleeping or else I wouldn't be down here. Oh well. He hasn't had any potty accidents today, I guess I would have been bored without any messes to clean up! LOL.
I will be posting on I know I am not alone soon, check it out!
Last night I got to help my friend Amy celebrate her birthday. I had planned a nice little get together for her, and at the last minute a few people couldn't make it. So 3 of us wen out to dinner and back to Amy's house for some DQ cake!! Yum, Yum. It was nice to connect with Amy and meet a new person!
Tonight my youngest brother graduates!! I am excited, but I might cry=( It is hard to realized you are growing up and those around you are too. Next thing I know my brothers will be getting married. Yikes. I am so not ready for that. Anyway...I am excited to go sit through a long baring ceremony just for him. It will bring back many memories too. My hubby gets to go with me (usually they only give 4 tickets per family, this year they got 6!) My hubby was with my parents the night of my graduation. I am so blessed I got to share my most memorable times with him!
As I was typing this I heard Ethan upstairs, when he should have been in bed. i went up there and he had changed his clothes (his shirt was upside down on him..not sure how he accomplished this!) He said "Me change my shirt toothpaste all over it." Crap! I seriously thought he was sleeping or else I wouldn't be down here. Oh well. He hasn't had any potty accidents today, I guess I would have been bored without any messes to clean up! LOL.
I will be posting on I know I am not alone soon, check it out!
Mickey Ears
I know I have mentioned it before, but I will again! Josh and I would love to take our children to Disney World at some point. Our income has never been great so taking the kids seemed like a dream that would never come true. With the right research you can find great prices on a Orlando Vacation and make your dream a reality.
I hope we can take them in the next few years...and sshhh don't tell anyone, but I really want to go to0. Who can't resist those mickey ear hats=)
I hope we can take them in the next few years...and sshhh don't tell anyone, but I really want to go to0. Who can't resist those mickey ear hats=)
Need a loan?
Do you need a loan for something? I am hoping we will soon. We have been renting for 4 or so years now, and we would soon love to buy our own home. Josh's business is going well and we have plenty of work, and since we know God is awesome, we expect to have work well into winter! With all this extra income we will hopefully have enough money to have a decent down payment and own a home in the next year or two. California mortgage refinance looks like a place we could try to get a loan from. They promise low rates and straight answers!
Need chairs?
In the summer we love to have people over. We have cookouts, both of our kids have summer birthdays so we have their parties here. We are always in need of more folding chairs and tables.
We always ask people to bring chairs and I hate doing that, I wish we just had a whole bunch here so we didn't have to ask. Hmmm, maybe I can save up some of this blogging money to buy some!
We always ask people to bring chairs and I hate doing that, I wish we just had a whole bunch here so we didn't have to ask. Hmmm, maybe I can save up some of this blogging money to buy some!
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