Monday, April 14, 2008

Monday Mornings

Are always so blah.
Waking up to a long week ahead and the weekend mess.

I am still fighting my allergies, all the snot is settling in my chest and it hurts to breathe, much better today than yesterday though.

Taxes are due tomorrow, YIKES.
Living off our saving for 3 months, left us with little, but thanks be to God we will probably skim by.

Our accountant last year never told us about paying quarterly taxes. As new business owners we didn't realize this was a good thing to do.
Will definitely be doing so this year!

We have my moms dog, Meeka, with us for today, I may take a picture, but since my camera is out getting fixed I only have my phone, which isn't too great.

Lots of cleaning and running around, catching up on my school reading and hopefully getting a nap in there too.

The weekend was refreshing, got to get some shopping done without kids on Saturday, went to a wonderful friends baby shower on Sunday and got to be with friends I haven't seen in awhile, it is hard juggling family, other commitments and friend when you get older.
It refreshed me, I thrive on relationships, friendships, and haven't got much of that lately.

We have pledged to watch way less TV, maybe even unplugging for a month
(that is kind scary for me, I like to use it when my patience is shot, it is helpful for all of us.)
But if we can manage to have self control, unplugging won't be necessary.
And I bet you all know self control is HARD.

Talking about HARD, it is hard to be still and really listen for God to speak to you.
But I am working on it.

Happy Monday!


Crystal said...

You are one busy woman! So, who's having a baby?

Wendy said...

Bummer about your allergies, but I am happy to hear that they are getting a little better! I keep waiting for mine to make an appearance but we are doing well so far. What a fun weekend! I love when I am able to get away with good friends especially when I don't get to see them otherwise!!

Autumn said...

T.V. is like soda. If you use it regularly, you want more and more of it. If you stay away from it, you hardly know what you're missing. Personally, some of the best seasons of my life have been the times we've had no t.v. It gives you more TIME, opportunities to be creative, nurture relationships, even save a little money since you don't see all the advertising... and of course be more physically active since you're not sitting on your bum so much.

Thank GOD tax day is done (well, some people still have an hour or two till midnight to get their returns postmarked!) and paying quarterly taxes will be a HUGE help. (voice of experience...or is it INexperience here?) :)