Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A great proclamation

Try me. You will not defeat the God in me. Greater is He that is in me than you and every demon in Hell. You will not destroy all which God has given to me. You will not take a single portion from my plate. I demand you, in the name of my Jesus, to take your hands off of everything that is mine. Your plans are trash. I am not afraid of you. I have all power over you in the Name of Jesus. What you have planned for evil and destruction will back fire on you. Wait and see. You will not win. Try me, and you try my God. God is my protector. Mess with me and you mess with Him. I rise now out of this complacent pit. I am a child of the Most High God, and I tell you now to flee. You have been defeated, and you have no power over me. Your purpose was to destroy. God's purpose is to rebuild. God's purpose will be, because greater is He!! "...The righteous are as bold as a lion." Proverbs 28:1

Thanks Margo


Margo said...

Sometimes you just have to put the creep in his place!

Gina said...

Wow Margo. This was so inspirational for me. Greater is He...YES! You know, I've been telling everyone about this book by John Eldredge called Waking the Dead which addresses spiritual warfare and how we really are at war and under attack by the Enemy all the time. So many Christians are oblivious to this. It's refreshing to see someone stand up to him and have a grasp of what we're up against yet what amazing power and authority we have in the Lover of our Souls.
Love it.

Anonymous said...

this was good, wasn't it?!

Anonymous said...

I love a good confession and speaking the truth!
Thanks for commenting.
I know already that I like you. Be back soon.