Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Frozen awhile ago

From January 29-February 3rd the kids and I tagged along to Indiana with Josh. Josh ahs been working in Indiana a lot this year, there are a lot of slate roofs that need work due to a hail storm awhile back. We were sick of staying home alone, so we though going with him would be fun!?!@? It was a little bit fun, but being stuck in a little hotel room ALL week wasn't. The only place we could walk to was a BP gas station (good thing it was one of those big ones with lots of food choices!) We did have a pool, but liked to wait for daddy to get back so we could swim with him. It was an experience!!

As you recall when we were gone temperatures reached very low evn negative numbers. Well, we never have left our home in teh winter for any type of vacation and due to innocence...we turned our heat OFF for the whole week! Thank God, for Grace!! Here are some of our experiences!

**No frozen pipes, but Josh had to bang on them a little to get them flowing, no catastrophies though!

**Fishy was dead=( I though it might have been lack of food but, now I know he was probably frozen to death becasue....

**When we got home our house was only 30 degress...BRRRRRR!
After running th eheater at full blast for almost 2 hours it was only 40 degrees so we went to bed like this

** This is what we found in our bathtub!

We learned to never turn our heat OFF in the winter!

The really funny thing is when we got home Josh was reading his Popular Science magazine and ther was an article about what is a safe temperature to turn your heat to if you are leaving in the winter! Only a few days too late! It is 50 degress, in case you dind't know...are we the only ones who didn't think about this kinda thing???


Autumn said...

I actually did know it was 50 degrees! yay, I feel smart.

Drea said...

poor kid sleeping w/ a hat! :-) thats crazy. This girl who reads my blog said their heat broke and she woke up to a 12 degree house! and she has a tiny baby. Now thats cold!

See you tomorrow!

Beth said...

I love the pictures. Merci and Ethan look so cute and cozy.