Thursday, June 01, 2006

So sweet

Well the tofu didn't make it into the smoothies I was going to put it in. I am too scared. Ethan didn't like the new "cheese" and Merci didn't even try it. Merci's friend loved it and took a few bites. I think it will make it to the trash can. I gag on different textured food, so I think I won't even try. Oh Well, I had good intentions=)

Yesterday as we were driving to school (only 3 days left...yay) the song I love you more than you can imagine by Chris Tomlin was on. Merci said "Mommy that reminds me I love you all the way from God's first miracle until I die." Oh my gosh. I was going to cry. How original! I love you just the same my little baby girl!!


Bek said...

omygosh - that is the most precious and unique thought merci expressed from her heart to you!!!!! keep that one tucked away in your heart... :)

Crystal said...

How sweet...that was absolutely priceless!

Ó Seasnáin said...
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Ó Seasnáin said...

Well, this is certainly Crash and Donna's daughter - small, yet profound.

Autumn said...

awww! that'll melt your heart, won't it? I love it when kids express themselves in these ways. What a great age!

Kimber said...

Merci is great!!! Love her heart and they way she is able to express it!! Priceless indeed!!

Jason said...

You didn't even try the tofu? What gives?