As I sit here and type, Merci is experiencing her very last day in Kindergarten. I cannot believe it. My baby girl is finished with Kindergarten. I am very sad that they don't do any form of graduation for them=( Most every other school I know has Kindergarten graduation. Our friends are even throwing their Kindergartener a graduation party. We will be going to Malley's (the one with the carousel) to celebrate.
I have had some very bad days with Merci lately. 5 is not an easy age. Merci's is so persistent, very selfish (what kid isn't), and thinks she is the boss. I feel so sad when I think back on how I have reacted and what kind of example I have been. It is really hard to be a mom. There are things that you know, but sometimes they just hit you in a different way, well the other night I realized that I am her mom forever. I have to be there for her forever. There is no giving up, I have such a huge responsibility and it is time for me to step up to the plate.
I have had some very bad days with Merci lately. 5 is not an easy age. Merci's is so persistent, very selfish (what kid isn't), and thinks she is the boss. I feel so sad when I think back on how I have reacted and what kind of example I have been. It is really hard to be a mom. There are things that you know, but sometimes they just hit you in a different way, well the other night I realized that I am her mom forever. I have to be there for her forever. There is no giving up, I have such a huge responsibility and it is time for me to step up to the plate.
Mommy is so proud of you. You got through your whole first year of school, it wasn't an easy one either. You have struggled with behavior, with learning to blend you sounds and even with dealing with the other kids. I am proud of everything you have accomplished. You have surprised me so many times. One day you were insisting that the word what was "woody" (the guy from Toy Story...for all you dirty minded people), and the next you were reading. You can write sentences and read hundreds of words, you can FINALLY tie your shoe, you've learned to swim, and have lost 5 teeth, and even grown 3 adult teeth. You are my little girl and I cannot express my love for you enough. Stick with me, I WILL learn how to be a better mommy, in every way. Always love Jesus and remember you can talk to Him anytime and any place!! I love you my Merci Rae!
Love, Mom
Mommy is so proud of you. You got through your whole first year of school, it wasn't an easy one either. You have struggled with behavior, with learning to blend you sounds and even with dealing with the other kids. I am proud of everything you have accomplished. You have surprised me so many times. One day you were insisting that the word what was "woody" (the guy from Toy Story...for all you dirty minded people), and the next you were reading. You can write sentences and read hundreds of words, you can FINALLY tie your shoe, you've learned to swim, and have lost 5 teeth, and even grown 3 adult teeth. You are my little girl and I cannot express my love for you enough. Stick with me, I WILL learn how to be a better mommy, in every way. Always love Jesus and remember you can talk to Him anytime and any place!! I love you my Merci Rae!
Love, Mom
I saw Merci the other night. She was very excited to show me her new bike and to make sure her sleeping little brother was not disturbed.
bummer about graduation. :( ours was fun and sooooooo cute. (wish i could tell you more about it... jk)
did the school do anything fun for the last day? mike's did.
we were supposed to but SOMEONE dropped the ball and so we did nothing.
What a cute little Merci Rae. Congratulations little girl! We love you!
donna, you are a great mom. your heart in this post shows it! so humble and honest.....and merci is really growing up!! wow! anyway, you expressed well what a lot of moms feel, i'm sure ( i know i do)..."stick with me kid!" i'm gonna get this mommy thing eventually... :)
Boy, how I know what you are feeling!
Donna - I think you are a great mom!!!
I love your tribute to Merci - she is growing into a beautiful young lady!!
Congrats Merci on all the new things you can do and for making it through Kindergarten! WE are proud of you too!
sonofa... Sammon! I do not have to use the backyard (anymore). Let's just hope she doesn't find the pile of Big Buford wrappers in my car.
oh no, I thought I got rid of you guys
FYI, "Big Buford Wrappers" is how Jason refers to our "protection".
ok LOL at the big bufford protection thing. That was pretty good. Gross though.
And please don't say bad stuff from Merci. I hear it all day long as it is.
"Why do you always tell Ethan he is a good boy and not me?" "You love Ethan more than me" NOT TRUE Ethan just needs ALOT more attention, he is learning.
Merci Moo I do love you, more than you will ever know!!
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