Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A NEW Walk

I have been on a new walk with Jesus lately. I have always had a really hard time reading and then comprehending what I had just read. It was really hard to read the Bible, so I figured I could just pray and that would suffice. It wasn't working.LatelyI have just been picking up the Bible and reading little bits and just really praying God would let the word penetrate me. It has kind of been working.
God spoke to me yesturday. You know how people say "I am a practicing catholic" or whatever the religion. Well God told me I have to practice reading His word. At first I will do it because I am supposed to and what I am reading might make a little sense to me, but the more I do it the more it is going to become REAl to me. Just like Merci has to practice writing her letters and number before they will become common knowledge to her. So I just thought I would share this with you all.
Rebekah has been a real inspiration to me. She always has sooooo much FAITH. Her blog stories are so awesome she finds God in everything, I have been wishing to be like her for so long. God has plans for me to and I am sure Bek "practiced" a lot for her relationship with God. I am sure Bek won't mind me sharing this story...A few months back when Andy and Bek had to visit all of those doctor's for Israel she was having a hard time taking him to all these specialists but she just sought God through all of it. Well I guess one day when she had got home and listened to her messages there was a message on her machine saying "your glasses are in". (I think this is what it said..but you will get th e jist of my story either way). She told me she just felt like God was telling her that everything was fine and affirming Israels healing. Well I thought it was kind of sill that she would find God in that, but actually it wasn't sill at all. Well I think most of you know I would love to have a small farm someday. Josh and I dream of a huge yard in the country. Well one day I got home and there was a message on my machine. "Hi I was just looking for Schuster farms" I know there is a real Schuster farms, but I chose to find God in that message. Silly as it may sound Gos works in mysterious ways!
Anyway what inspired me to write this was, after I read Terry blog and heard the prayer request for his friend I began to pray I felt this burning inside of me, and I got the chills which I get when the Holy Spirit is near. I just kept praying and felt like something was going to we will see. But also to aks all of you blog friend to just continue to pray hard for request you hear God is usuing us together for something. So I ask you toa ll pray for Josh he is at such a hard spot right now. He needs a new job badly. There keeps being promises made to him and so he sticks around and the promises get blown away, it happens time and time again. We are both done. His boss takes care of us and we have nothing against him but this is a dead end. God has so much more for Josh or he wouldn't have saved his life 2 times! Just ask God for answers SOON. Thanks everyone. Gods blessing are ours to have. We ask for ours to be revealed!


Jason said...
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Jason said...

As for Josh, I personally don't know anybody that works harder than he does and I don't know anybody that has such a wide range of abilities as Josh. Seriously, Donna, I saw a picture of Josh on some dictionary website under "Jack-of-all-trades". How many times do I have problems that leave me feeling totally helpless because I know nothing about it? I am not a Mr. Fix It for anything besides my computers. Problem with plumbing? car? yard? house? I have to call somebody to fix it.

Anyway, Josh is such a great/hard worker that he won't be able to help pushing through that next threshold soon. I'm not kidding when I say I look up to Josh as an inspiration - seriously.

Bek said...

hi donna - thanks for what u wrote. thats encouraging today especially b/c i feel at the end of my rope today (thats pretty bad since its only 830 am!) i guess i've had a tough past few days. also, thats really cool about "practicing the Bible, " especially b/c God spoke that to you. It makes all the difference when we are able to hear God for ourselves. it makes life so much more real. anyway, i will include Josh in my prayers (you and josh are people God just always seems to put on my heart, just so u know) for the job, when I'm praying for andy. andy, too, needs some changes in the workplace ($$ and valuing). and we've been waiting long enough. GOD, please raise these faithful men to their rightful positions. They are your children, joint-heirs with Christ, and I know you want to give them prosperity and fulness of life. Please do a miraculous work with Josh and Andy in the workplace.

Bek said...

hi donna - thanks for what u wrote. thats encouraging today especially b/c i feel at the end of my rope today (thats pretty bad since its only 830 am!) i guess i've had a tough past few days. also, thats really cool about "practicing the Bible, " especially b/c God spoke that to you. It makes all the difference when we are able to hear God for ourselves. it makes life so much more real. anyway, i will include Josh in my prayers (you and josh are people God just always seems to put on my heart, just so u know) for the job, when I'm praying for andy. andy, too, needs some changes in the workplace ($$ and valuing). and we've been waiting long enough. GOD, please raise these faithful men to their rightful positions. They are your children, joint-heirs with Christ, and I know you want to give them prosperity and fulness of life. Please do a miraculous work with Josh and Andy in the workplace.

Autumn said...

Hey Donna! I'm with you on the bits of Bible readings. I have recently started leaving my Bible in a visible spot in the living room and during the day I will just grab it and read a little something, even just the "Psalm of the date" if you know what I mean. I'll keep you in prayer. I struggle with consistency, and I like your thoughts on PRACTICE.