Sunday, September 19, 2010

No turning back

4...FOUR...yep 4 more days left of Summer. Oh my! I cannot believe it is over, I am not ready, yet I am. Fall is my favorite but that following it is the worst...I cannot even think about even calling it by name because I despise it, so long and dark and lonely, not to mention COLD. But I wont focus on that I will focus on that right in front of me...the closing, the END of Summer. Welcoming of warm and crisp and smells of apples and spice.

With that said, it is also time for the closing of the garden. I am not a pro and therefore am not going to attempt a Fall garden planting, (wouldn't this be cool though...gardening all year round...hydroponic systems?) we still are awaiting the endless supply of tomatoes forming, some that will not fully ripen or grow to be eaten, but there are still so many and so many buds as well. A few more peppers as well. I need to pull out the deeply rooted, once glorious sunflowers, that have been beheaded by my dog or my kids. I need to learn what to do to prepare my soil for next season, I have heard rumors about coffee grounds...anyone have any advice?

With that said, I still have 50 or so tomatoes in my freezer...I need to cook them down at some point and don't know how??? And advice on that too?

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