I was never big on giving my kids sugary cereal. I tried to stay away from it, but then I decided it wasn't horrible to have "special" cereal every once in awhile. And now we get it a lot. I try to stay away from the "really bad" stuff and stick with the less offensive stuff like Honey Nut Cheerios, Fruity Cheerios, Frosted Mini Wheats etc. One day I read an article on the good and the bad cereals out there, and was very surprised that
Froot Loops were a decent choice!! Of course the kids love them and I do too!! Cereal is our #1 pick in the mornings, so easy!
When I got the chance to review the
NEW Froot Loops, I was excited...that they were trying even harder to make the cereal more nutritious and that Id get a few free boxes to try!
I was so excited to try the New
Froot Loops with
FIBER, that I ripped into both boxes one night before dinner;) We also go the opportunity to try the
Apple Jacks with
Fiber but didn't get to compare, but I am sure the story is the same!
The verdict in our house is that they are.....
GOOD. The taste is VERY close. The crunch is a bit different and I actually like the
Froot Loops with
Fiber crunch BETTER. My son is too young to know any difference and my daughter (shes 9) said she tasted a difference, but I'm the mom and my mouth said they were very similar, so similar I wouldn't be able to tell the difference if the box wasn't in front of me.
Kudos to the cereal companies for striving to make the cereals we turn to on busy school mornings a bit better for our kids!
You can check out more about
Froot Loops and
Apple Jacks cereals with added Fiber here:
MOM CENTRAL for including me in this opportunity to taste and share about Kellogs Froot Loops & Apple Jacks!
"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Kellogg’s and received boxes of Froot Loops and Apple Jacks and a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate."