Sunday, August 26, 2007

OOOO, I like!

Talking about furniture....I like the the sofa a coordinating elements on the home page of Century furniture. Neutral yet trendy, yet has a little edge! I would have to add some accent colors though! Gotta have color, lots of color.
Right now I am trying to find accent stuff for my living room. I found a great price on some teal pillows (less than $3 a piece at Target!!) but I was originally going with orange (my slipcovers ar brown). Since teal and orange go well I am doing both. I am hoping it will help the dreariness of winter stay away!

I always wanted leather furniture because I thought it would be easy to wipe off etc. with kids. But by the time I get to pick out new furniture my kids will be older, so I won't have to worry much about them!

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