Sunday, February 17, 2008

New and Ended Up

So if you haven't seen my NEW blog look, you better check it out!
( I paid good money for it...LOL..well actually not yet, but there is still some work getting finished up.) will never believe where we ended up Friday night.
Monster Jam.
Yep, we were hillbillies and went to the Monster Truck show=)
It was fun...LOUD, but fun. Different.
And we also learned to pay attention to where you park.
We were actually getting excited that we would be getting a new car.
(We only have 3 more payments and it's only a 98 so I am sure it is worth a little bit more than we owe).

Pictures to come!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend, ours was fun.


Andrea said...

Love it!!! Great new look! ;)

Wendy said...

Oh's so cute:) Do you want me to make some code for your buttons so people can click on it and link back to you? Is this the one that Andrea was working on for you?

Wesley really wants to go to a monster truck show, but I just can't go:) LOL!! I would feel like such a red neck. Maybe since you did it we can to... can't wait to see some photos!!

Melissa said...

oooh, I love the green and the frogs! My son loves the monster truck show.